Campaign news archive - March 2015

The Patriot Game’s a Bogey

The Patriot Game’s a Bogey This is an incisive critique of Jim Murphy’s ‘Patriot Clause’ that is being proposed (on a take it or leave it basis) to the Scottish Labour Party’s Special One Day Conference in Edinburgh on March 7th. The article is by a group of Party members in Glasgow and reflects the serious worries that many have about this massive change in the Party’s constitution. [continue...]

Labour left -wing calls for anti-austerity measures

Labour left -wing calls for anti-austerity measures LONDON LRC Press Release [continue...]

Austerity – That’s Enough! Hastings & Rother LRC public meeting

Austerity – That’s Enough! Hastings & Rother LRC public meeting 2pm – 4.30pm, Saturday 14 March 2015
The White Rock Hotel, White Rock, Hastings TN34 1JU [continue...]

Left Platform Shows our Potential

Left Platform Shows our Potential THE JOHN MCDONNELL COLUMN
Labour Briefing March 2015, magazine of the LRC [continue...]

Support Katy Clark and Jon Lansman for Conference Arrangements Committee; Gary Heather for NCC

Support Katy Clark and Jon Lansman for Conference Arrangements Committee;
Gary Heather for NCC [continue...]

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