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Press Release: Strike Action at Hovis (Premier Foods), Wigan

Their Crisis Not Ours!

Press Release re: Strike Action at Hovis (Premier Foods), Wigan The issue of zero-hour contracts and the use of agency workers is one that is taking up a considerable amount of column space in both local and national newspapers at the moment. The Bakers’, Food and Allied Workers Union highlighted this exploitation back in 2011 during a dispute with a well known supplier of cake products. The current dispute with Hovis is one which has the potential to shape all future employment. It’s about the casualisation of the food industry and a race to the bottom. Unlike other disputes over workers pay and conditions, this is a fight for the right of future workers to be given a contract of employment on the same terms and conditions of those they will work alongside. It’s a fight to ensure that the local residents continue to have credible job opportunities and perhaps more importantly, that future generations in the community have the same opportunities to gain secure, well paid employment. [continue...]

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