Campaign news

Hull LRC saving our NHS

3rd August 2013

The Hull LRC are the driving force behind Save Our NHS Hull and East Yorkshire,

Wed 7th August Demo in defence of Beverley Hospital. 3.30 Swinemoor Lane. Followed by NHS Campaign Meeting 6.30 UNISON. Where next?
07999 492292

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Their Crisis Not Ours!


Across the country working people are losing their jobs and their homes. Meanwhile the bankers who plunged us into this crisis have been bailed out with billions of pounds of our money. It’s time to fight back. Their Crisis Not Ours! is the LRC’s campaign to bring together workers, pensioners, the unemployed, students, those facing repossession and all those suffering because of an economic crisis that has been imposed on us. The campaign is supporting the demands of the People’s Charter. [continue...]

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