‘Labour's Future’ campaign news

Progress - welcome to the Blairite Party-within-a-party

Progress - Welcome to the Blairite Party-within-a-party Last weekend, in the sumptuous surroundings of a Jacobean-style Victorian country mansion in the beautiful Lincolnshire countryside, New Labour enthusiasts gather for a weekend “political school“.  At £175 including overnight accommodation, two lunches, dinner, breakfast and refreshments, it’s a snip thanks to the generous sponsorship of Bell Pottinger, founded by Maggie’s favourite Ad man, and PR consutants to such eminent wealth creators as tax dodgers, Vodaphone, and stalwart defenders of media freedom, Sky. Those attending, not that they all know it, are at the heart of party within a party, a largely-covert organisation whose over-riding objective is to keep New Labour alive. [continue...]

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