Jeremy Corbyn’s Aberdare Speech Verbatim Report of a Recent Speech Commemorating Keir Hardie [continue...]
The Future of the LRC This is a useful summary of the organisational changes adopted at our recent Special General Meeting in response to the changing political situation. We will hold an Annual General Meeting later this year to finalise these changes. [continue...]
Stop the Labour Purge Rule change for CLPs to submit to Labour Party conference 2016: “A disciplinary code that meets standards of natural justice” [continue...]
CLPD Proposed Rule Changes The Campaign for Labour Party Democracy is proposing the following rule changes to be proposed at Labour Party Conference 2016: [continue...]
Labour CND and Trident: Request for Submissions HELP GET A LABOUR PARTY COMMITMENT NOT TO REPLACE TRIDENT [continue...]
by-election | defend council housing | for a people's railway | ian gibson | international solidarity | keep the post public | labour party | labour's future | stop heathrow expansion | stop welfare reform | the people's charter | their crisis not ours | trade union rights