Campaign news archive - September 2014

Outlawing Blacklisting is a Vote Winner

Outlawing Blacklisting is a Vote Winner Articles from the LRC TUC 2014 special By Dave Smith, Secretary Blacklist Support Group  [continue...]

A Trade Union Agenda for Labour

A Trade Union Agenda for Labour John McDonnell MP Articles from the LRC TUC 2014 special [continue...]

Break with Austerity

Break with Austerity Articles from the LRC TUC 2014 special Darren Williams, National Policy Forum member [continue...]

Save our NHS!

Save our NHS! This is the text of the leaflet the LRC is distributing on Saturday 6th September as the 999NHS march arrives at London. Darlington mums have marched 300 miles from Jarrow to London to help save the NHS. We salute them. [continue...]

Suggested Contemporary Motions for Labour Party Conference

Suggested Contemporary Motions for Labour Party Conference This year, Labour’s national policy forum did not agree to a single minority report. Nor did any policy papers include even a single option for decision by conference. This means that meaningful policy debates at this year’s conference, the last before the general election, can only happen on the basis of contemporary and emergency motions. The deadline for receipt of contemporary motions is Thursday 11 September at 12 noon. The title has a maximum of 10 words and the motion a maximum of 250 words. [continue...]

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