
68 is too late – LRC backs pension age campaign

28th May 2012

Miles Barter explains a bit about the ‘68 is too late’ campaign and why the LRC is backing it.

Everyone’s pension is under attack.

There is already a plan to make us all work to 68.

And according to The Telegraph the coalition’s formula for increasing the retirement age will mean babies born this year receive their state pension at 80.

The LRC national committee has voted to support the ’68 is too late’ campaign that is backed by eleven national unions.

More than 5,000 people have already email protests to David Cameron from the campaign website.

Research published last week by the Women’s Royal Voluntary Service (WRVS) revealed that 58% of people in the UK have a long standing illness or health problem by the age of 65.

While the wealthy can quit work when they like – the poor will be forced to retire into ill health with no quality of life.

Increasing the state pension age will also mean fewer jobs for everyone else.

There are already more than a million young people unemployed.

LRC supporters and local groups are urged to spread the word about ’68 is too late’ through social networking and at local events.

The unions backing the campaign are the Public and Commercial Services union, National Union of Teachers, Unite, National Union of Students, Prison Officers’ Association, Welsh teaching union UCAC, Educational Institute of Scotland, Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union, the Rail Maritime and Transport union, the Northern Ireland Public Service Alliance, and the National Association of Probation Officers.

’68 is too late’ is also supported by the National Pensioners’ Convention.

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