
Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the LRC. We are currently undergoing technical problems with the site and currently with the links to blog postings. Please bear with us until we can complete a new website.

Britain and Iraq: Business or Justice?

Mike Phipps
12th March 2014 at 20:10

Eleven years after it participated in an illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq, the UK is taking a different approach.  [continue/comment...]

New Book

Ray Riley
3rd March 2014 at 17:18

Dear Comrades, just to bring to your attention a new book that has just been published concerning the 1984/85 miners strike. As a member of the LRC and a former miner it was my privilege to write a chapter in the book about Orgreave and the development of paramilitary policing. The title of the book is called, ‘Settling Scores, The Media, The Police and The Miners Strike’.  [continue/comment...]


Ray Riley
3rd March 2014 at 17:14

It can come as no great surprise to comrades that within hours of Saturday’s conference that Lord Owen was writing a cheque of £7500 to the party. Is this a sign of things to come?  [continue/comment...]

Solidarity, not hostility

Mike Phipps
10th February 2014 at 23:15

It’s always satisfying when a government minister is forced to resign on grounds of hypocrisy. This applies particularly to Immigration Minister Mark Harper, the man who brought us last summer’s “Go home or face arrest” vans in multicultural areas of London. He was forced to quit after admitting employing a cleaner without checking her documents as demanded by the law. She on the other hand , has been handed over to the Home office enforcement teams, presumably to be removed as soon as possible to spare the government any more embarrassment. Cleaners, after all, do wash dirty linen, and might do it in public.
Government spin that Harper had committed no offence and would soon be back were undermined by a report that he had claimed £2,000 in parliamentary expenses for the work. However, understandable glee at Harper’s downfall should not distract us from an increasingly bleak outlook on asylum and migration issues. The Immigration Bill finished its passage through the House of Commons on January 30.  It enshrines the removal of appeal rights, the introduction of policing duties for landlords and the extension of charges for NHS care.
The Labour front bench’s failure to oppose the bill meant that its passage was marked by various wings of the Tory Party trying to outflank each other on who could look toughest on migrants. Backbench Tories wanted us to do what Switzerland have just done in a referendum: abandon freedom of movement. It’s a populist and ultimately disastrous move, which the Conservatives and other right wing European governments support as part of a plan to dump all the workers’ rights and protections that Europe offers. They want a Europe where capital has free movement - and nothing else. This is a potential disaster for the 2.3 million British citizens now living in Europe and everyone else who is entitled to these rights. [continue/comment...]

LEAP bulletin: Balls, Tax, and Avoidance

Pete Firmin
1st February 2014 at 18:45
1 comment

Balls - and even more in response In the week Ed Balls finally confirmed Labour would restore the 50% tax rate (for earnings over £150,000), but only temporarily, we look at the Two Faces of Ed Balls. [continue/comment...]

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