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Big Lies

Jim Ring
24th July 2015 at 11:34

Politics these days is all about Big Lies. Labour lost the 2010 election largely due to Big Lie No 1: “The Labour Government was responsible for the unsustainable budget deficit”. In spite of numerous half-hearted attempts, this has still not been adequately countered, and was partially responsible to this year’s election defeat, along with Big Lie No. 2: “You can’t tax the rich”. It was, more than anything else, Miliband’s failure to tackle these Big Lies head on, and come up instead with a totally inadequate “Austerity Lite” alternative, that lost us this election. [continue/comment...]

Endless war, leading nowhere

Mike Phipps
23rd July 2015 at 11:34

Two years after MPs voted not to take part in the bombardment of Syria, British forces have been doing precisely that.  A cross-party group of MPs and peers will investigate the air strikes, the Government’s authorisation of which shows complete contempt for parliamentary democracy. As Michael Meacher pointed out, “The excuse given by the Prime Minister’s office that they were embedded with US forces and not operating under a British chain of command is risible.” [continue/comment...]

Bring the Trade Unions in the LRC’s leadership

Marie Lynam
10th July 2015 at 08:52

Ian Hodson of the BFAWU says: “We need to be extremely cautious over the Scottish National Party’s demand for devolving powers surrounding the minimum wage. This move would bring about an end to the national minimum wage. The break up of a UK wide national minimum wage could see England and Wales which, as we know has an in-built Tory majority, scuppering any attempt to increase it, driving wages down not up with Scottish MPs barred from taking part in debates or votes which don’t affect Scotland. The SNP could actually find themselves enabling David Cameron’s nightmarish vision of lower pay in some regions, particularly northern (probably Labour-run) constituencies and in the SouthWest where some health trusts tried to break away from national pay bargaining during the last 5 years [..].”  [continue/comment...]

Significance of the OXI vote in Greece

Marie Lynam
9th July 2015 at 10:48

Hello comrades The quick referendum called by Syriza and the victory of the ‘no’ to austerity - for that is what people voted against - are indications of great confidence and determination in the masses of Greece, and indeed this measures the confidence and determination of the masses in the whole of Europe.  [continue/comment...]

Unite the Labour left with the left outside Labour

Marie Lynam
21st June 2015 at 19:24

On 20 June 2015, the Peoples Assembly (PA) Against Austerity gathered at least 250,000 in London, plus a few more thousands in Liverpool, Cardiff and Glasgow. There was a march, followed by a very large gathering in Parliament Square, and then a rally with speeches. Those who spoke in the London PA demo include J Corbyn and D Abbotts, McCluskey of Unite, Martin McGuiness from N. Ireland, Caroline Lucas & Amelia Womack (Greens), Matt Wrack (PCS), Chris Nineham & Andrew Murray (StW), someone from the FBU, Charlotte Church, Mark Steel, Shappi Khorsandi, Sam Fairbairn (a PA leader), and others.  [continue/comment...]

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